In June I had promised to post a new craft once I got my crafting room done. But it took longer than I thought cause I was having some summer fun. So here is my new crafting room, I am so happy!!
Working area, can't wait to create new crafts and post them.
Projects I have completed.
Some old drawings I did in collage. Hope to get inspired to start drawing again
As you can tell I am still working on my room. Going to get a bookcase for my many magazines that are full of ideas. For now they will have to stay in the closet, with all the other supplies. Hope you like my room. I am so happy to move out of the t.v. room to a room of my own.
My scraping tote ready to take with me to my scraping classes.
Last but not least, I will be posting again on this blog new crafting ideas. I am new to blogging so I am still learning how to to blog. Hope you can bear with me.
Next thing I want to tackle is sewing. Got inspired by another blogger to learn so hopefully I can post something about sewing too.